Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The BarWatch Radio Programme is a success

“Barred from One, Barred from All” is the motto of the BarWatch programme, a growing initiative by a network of city centre bars and clubs aimed at keeping troublemakers out of premises and making the city centre safer for everyone at night.

Bars and clubs in the Heart of the City’s Fort St and High St precinct and in the K Road Business Association area have joined the BarWatch network and using two way radios to warn other bars about any anti-social behaviour, intoxicated patrons or other community safety issues. The  BarWatch radio link means that troublemakers who are refused entry at one bar will find that other bars have been promptly warned not to allow entry elsewhere – a big step forward in making Downtown Auckland safer for regular night time visitors.

Feedback from NZ Police as well as the bars themselves indicates that BarWatch has been effective in helping with a quick and appropriate response to incidents and enabling bars to build communication between themselves to identify troublemakers. The BarWatch trial has had input and assistance from the Police Alcohol Harm Reduction team, who see the programme as a way for bars and clubs to contribute to reducing major trouble and intoxication issues and to increasing night time safety in the inner city.

BarWatch was launched earlier this year, as a Heart of the City initiative following the Mayoral Task Force on Alcohol which highlighted city centre issues associated with alcohol and safety. Heart of the City funds and supports the BarWatch trial which provides two-way radios for a network of 12 bars in the Downtown area, and adds to the KRoad radio scheme funded by Accident Compensation Corporation. A radio coordinator, also funded by Heart of the City, is able to sit alongside the Police CCTV operation on Friday and Saturday nights to provide direct communication with CityWatch patrols and with Police when their assistance is required for an urgent incident. The BarWatch Radio link can help communications between bars and other services, but bar staff still need to call 111 in any serious incident or emergency.  

Bar owners and door staff have been enthusiastic about the benefits of BarWatch, seeing that a community network of bars can make a big contribution to keeping the inner city safe. More bars are now keen to join the current 12 bars in the Downtown area including Fort St, Fort lane, High St and Vulcan lane, with another 12 in K Road.

The 6 month trial scheme has been a great success thanks to very positive uptake from bar owners and great support from NZ Police. Heart of the City, with the assistance of Police, is now looking at ways to ensure the scheme continues and expands to include many other bars in the city centre. We believe that BarWatch will develop as a community network of bar owners, encouraging responsible bars and clubs to support a safe night time environment in their area, with door staff who are encouraged to use the radio link to prevent persistent troublemaking.

 It’s exciting to see the positive gains made by the Barwatch programme so far and we’re keen to see it continue to help create a safer city centre for everyone.