Monday, 24 October 2011

What would Auckland CBD be like in 2035?

The Rugby World Cup 2011 has only just finished and there is already talk of NZ hosting the 2035 tournament (view NZH Herald article here). So this got us thinking, with the 2011 tournament being deemed a success - What would hosting the cup would be like in 2035?

One of the biggest changes we are hoping to see by 2035 will be the introduction of a City Centre Rail Loop.

Proposed City Centre Rail Loop route - taken from the Draft Auckland Plan Executive Summary

Under the Auckland Plan, the loop would link Britomart Station with Aotea Square, K'Road, Mt Eden, Grafton, Newmarket and Parnell. As well as linking Auckland CBD with the Western lines.

We are in support of the City Centre Rail Loop and believe it is a worthwhile investment in Auckland's future.

It is important to give your feedback on the City Centre Rail Loop and other proposed developments such as the expansion of the Ports of Auckland and developments on Wynyard Quarter - Because after all, this will be the Auckland which you do business in, live in and play in.

Feedback on the 4 Auckland Plans is open til 4pm, Monday 31st October 2011.There are three ways you can provide your views
  1. Via the We Only Get One Chance website
  2. You can provide your feedback direct to Heart of the City by contacting us on (09) 379 8000 or via email 
  3. Alternatively, you can provide feedback direct to Auckland Council before 4pm, 31 October 2011.
You can also join in the conversation via

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

We've only just got Wynyard Quarter, lets not lose it

You may have recently seen our We Only Get One Chance campaign. Over the past couple of days the campaign has been receiving great feedback and getting some great coverage.

We feel it is important for the public to know more about the Draft Auckland Plans and what is proposed for Auckland.

Plans for the Wynyard Quarter. The pink buildings are the current park spaces

Take for example Wynyard Quarter - did you know that under the Draft Auckland Plan this whole area is zoned to have four-storey buildings? Some of the public spaces and the playground are, in fact, the footprints for buildings filled with shops, offices and apartments. Here at Heart of the City, we think that would be a crying shame.

It’s hard to get people excited about Draft Auckland Plans – but as you can see, the future of our public spaces and waterfront is at stake. What’s more, we only have a short time to have our say – submissions to the plan close on October 25.

So we have developed a website, where we are asking for your response to a quick four-question poll on this and other important issues, including the expansion of the Ports and the Central City Rail Loop.

We want to show the Auckland Council that the people of this city value their waterfront and don’t want it closed off. We also want to show that we do care about the other issues we have highlighted as being critical to the future of Auckland.

On the website you can find information about proposed changes and our thoughts, as well as where to find the plan online and how to make a formal submission – and we encourage you to do so. We only have one chance to get this right.

Ports of Auckland reclamation plan.
Proposed City Rail Link - taken from the Draft Auckland Plan Executive Summary

Urban Limits - taken from the Draft Auckland Plan Executive Summary

NZ Herald Articles

Monday, 3 October 2011

High Street District's First Light

The High Street District celebrated last Friday with its inaugural ‘First Light’ event. A large number of retailers got in to the spirit, offering a fun array of in store promotions and events, Freyberg Square was alive with a fantastic line up of music, and from 4pm we enjoyed a High Street strictly for pedestrians. 

Some First Light revelers at Zambesi
The event was developed to show case the best of the new season, and what the district has to offer, and by all accounts everyone who was in involved had a great time. This event will be the first of many that the High Street Guild will be putting on, in partnership with Heart of the City and we say well done, and bring it on! 

Fashion images projected on a building in the district 

Find out more about the High Street District and the Guild at